Lyrics Michael Card

Michael Card

Now That I've Held Him In My Arms

That old man in the temple

Waiting in the court

Waiting for the answer to a promise

And all at once he sees them

In the morning sunshine

A couple come and carry in a baby

Now that I've held Him in my arms

My life can now come to an end

Let Your servant now depart in peace

Cause I've seen Your salvation

He's the Light of the Gentiles

And the glory of His people Israel

Marry and the baby come

And in her hand five shekels

The price to redeem her baby boy

The baby softly cooing

Nestled in her arms

Simeon takes the boy and starts to sing

Now's the time to take Him in your arms

Your life will never come to an end

He's the only way that you'll find peace

He'll give you salvation cause

He's the Light of the Gentiles

And the glory of His people Israel