Lyrics Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

Diamond Dreams

Two men on, two men down

Not a friendly face in this baseball town

I gotta make this fool swing, gotta cut him down

Or it's back to the farm

I might as well throw away my arm this time

And it's one strike, caught him lookin'

And it's two strikes, oh now I'm cookin'

Here's my hard one

As he swings I see his eyes

Another boy with diamond dreams like mine

Mama pleaded, "Son, stay in school

'Cause you don't wanna grow up to be no big league fool

And all they want is your body boy, they don't care about you"

Well I'm hoping that she's wrong

'Cause I'm feeling so strong this time

And it's one strike, caught him lookin'

And it's two strikes, oh now I'm cookin'

Here's my hard one

As he swings I see his eyes

Another boy with diamond dreams like mine

Oh when the crowd's on its feet

How I live for this moment

The bitter and the sweet

Caught him lookin'

Oh now I'm cookin'

Here's my hard one

As he swings I see his eyes

Another boy with diamond dreams like mine

Caught him lookin'

Oh now I'm cookin'

Ooh Mama, I got these diamond dreams

I got these diamond dreams