Lyrics Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

Samson And Delilah

When we first met, it was Juliet and that rascal Romeo

For a while it was hugs and smiles like heaven don't you know

But day by day all that went away and now things have changed

We're still the same two people in an old love story but we're known by

Different names

It's like Samson and Delilah

History is repeating itself

It's like Samson and Delilah

All over, all over again

Yeah my weakness lies in her lovely eyes, they always hit the spot

I can't resist her wicked kiss with all the strength I've got

Like a moth I've been caught in the tangled web she weaves

She loves me blind but I always find that my heart has been deceived

It's like Samson and Delilah

History is repeating itself

It's like Samson and Delilah

All over, all over again

Samson had a woman who was out of control

Deceived his heart and tried to steal his soul

And just like Samson I feel the pain

And one of these days I'm gonna break these chains

It's like Samson and Delilah

History is repeating itself

It's like Samson and Delilah

All over, all over again