Lyrics Michael Trent

Michael Trent

The Winner

Well I'm going through the motions

Seems it happens every night of every week

Well it's an ever running cycle

And the chance of breakin out of it seems weak

Well my mind becomes a freight train

And it never lets me get no decent sleep


Well my head starts a worrying about all the little things I cannot change

And my heart it starts a pounding

Messing up the way the blood goes through my veins


I never dream of nothin pleasant

I'm always lost or gettin booed off of the stage

Well the west coast was a desert

And New York City black

So I spent some time in Caroline

To make my money back

There's a trail of blood that trickles down from Denver to the sea

And if that ones for the winner, this one must be for me


Well there's this busy little corner

Half a mile down the road from where I live

Where all these beautiful women

Work the sidewalk with a little take and give

Oh it's like an escalator walkway

I just mind my own biz and make sure my money's hid

Well I got this friend, he takes his money down there every day when he gets done from work

He asks for Georgia cuz she's special,

She reminds him he's a man and he has worth

Oh but I don't judge him cuz he's honest

Which is more'n I can say I've been since birth


Well the west coast was a desert

And New York City black

So I spent some time in Caroline

To make my money back

There's a trail of blood that trickles down from Denver to the sea

And if that ones for the winner, this one must be for me

So if you're led into a wasteland or made to stumble through the dark

You leave a cartoon-colored legacy or a common watermark

We always back the underdog because he's the only one we trust

And if that ones for the winner, this one must be for us