My Re-creation

Saw myself drowning the fjord alight

recalling the pace of yesteryear's fights

Scarred by the coral reef's harsh knives

Recollected the sore sacrifice

All the thoughts

All the fears

All the blood, sweat and tears

Through scrub I raced

to seek a place to bear

Abrupt from the solar sphere down

something pushed me to the ground

A breathtaking sight

I realized

I can arise

For the little girl inside

new steps to take

Her visions awake

New days have come

The fatal frost flown

I'm in re-creatin

My re-creation

All the thoughts

All the fears

All the blood, sweat and tears

withered away

In darkness they'll stay

No dismay

On the mountain peak I stand

looking down on lysefjorden

Precious and pure

but not my path anymore

For the little girl inside

new steps to take

Her visions awake

New days have come

The fatal frost flown

I'm in re-creation

My re-creation