One Of Many Rescuers

I've heard this script before

I know this turn of mind

You think that you're the one

To bring the change she's trying to find

But what you're selling she don't need

She already got it free

Your boat struck something deep

Now you're trying to save the sea

You ain't Sir Galahad, she ain't your blushing bride

You ain't the wayward son come back to turn the tide

You ain't the Saviour king foretold and prophesied

You're just one of many rescuers trying to get by her side

She put her hand around the flame

More times than you can tell

The best thing you can do for her

Is to pass and wish her well

She ain't dying on her feet

Or hanging on your every word

The pain you're sensing is inside you

You're just thinking it onto her

You ain't Sir Galahad, she ain't your blushing bride

You ain't the wayward son come back to turn the tide

You ain't the Saviour king foretold and prophesied

You're just one of many rescuers trying to get by her side

I've heard your presentation and it's time for me to go

The train is waiting at the railway station

And there's much that we don't know

I've a secret in my keep and I'll tell you if you ask

But I know that you can't really speak till you remove the mask

Now I can see you're using all you've got

All the power that's in your hands

You're pulling favors, casting them up

Money flies at your command

You talk hard but you don't listen

You look long but you don't see

But what bothers me most about you, my friend

You remind me too much of me

You ain't Sir Galahad, she ain't your blushing bride

You ain't the wayward son returned to turn the tide

You ain't the Saviour king foretold and prophesied

You're just one of many rescuers trying to get by her side