Dream Song


When you're dreaming, you feel alive.

Demonic Voice:

The truth is so black. Once more, this is the message. Our way

of reasoning

gives way for our notable hour.This has always been.

The light pours over me as I run for cover. They tried to pull

me in, but I was

already there.


Oh I had this dream one night I was like lying on my stupid

futon couch foldout

bed. And it was like really hot it just started summer, and um

it was really

hot. I had like no fan or anything. I was lying there and I had

this weirdest

weirdest weirdest like nightmare. I had this nightmare where

they're like

dreams but they're not dreams they're real ya know you feel as

though you're

alive when you're dreaming, you think you're alive when you're

dreaming. I had

this dream where this angel was coming up, like up my fire

escape cause I don't

have bars on my windows cause I don't believe in bars on my

windows. And she

was there in my room I was lying there and she came and she

kissed me and I

woke up and I looked at Tom. Do you believe in angels?

Demonic voice:
