Get Me Naked 2: Electric Boogaloo
Try to get some rest
Count backwards from ten
You've gone too long without sleep
I know you won't rest stressed
So give up, just give up
And don't say no to pills
Ativan won't kill
You said, "My life's like a bad movie"
And I said, "It's true of all us"
You said, and you said, "I gotta wake up so fucking early"
And I said, "Maybe the director's turned on us"
Outside the five sounds like the ocean
Relax, don't keep your eyes open
Don't look at the clock
Your brain will never stop
You said, "My life's like a bad movie"
And I said, "It's true of all us"
You said, and you said, "I gotta wake up so fucking early"
And I said, "Maybe the director's turned on us"
Don't say no to pills
Ativin won't kill