Lyrics Misery Index

Misery Index

Heirs To Thievery

Disseminating myths upon a passive youth

Lets look back upon, some long-enshrouded truths

Where fables often tell, of tyrannies undone

As good guys all wear white, and wars are always won

Sweep away the dust from books carved so clean,

Glaring, stark omissions, rapacity unseen

What of foul deception?

Treaties gone ignored?

Unjust annexations, and rough-riding hordes?

Why prevaricate?

Heirs to thievery

From Grande to St Lawrence, a nascent power heaved

Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny decreed

Push to the Pacific, across the open see

Eliminate the natives (and leave them a museum!)

Expansion had an engine - the slavery of man

From Cuba to Manila, we solidified our plan

Den of fucking thieves

Heroes, dripping out from texts as Gods

Liars, fueling fables, taught as axioms