Lyrics Misery Index

Misery Index

The Lies That Bind

Rising from the tide, a Kraken cloaked in wisdom, propagates his lies,

For love of living death...

As faith in leaders falter and dole-queues stretch for snake-like miles

Untruths in unwritten law annihilate imagination

Hope becomes a process, the intravenous feed

That's bound in tune with "progress" - in dialectic comedy

Problems rise in culture, where contradiction's known to breed

And puppeteers unquestioned string up the masses in their sleep

These guardians of comfort and selfishness decreed

Will deify convenience at all expense of every human need

The Lies that bind are lies unbinding...

More demagogues emerging, the paradise parade begins

Everything is perfect, and "time" is all we need to save

And just as oceans swallow, all ships that sink in time

This spectacle will crumble, from false and ill-conceived design

These fragile frames are breaking, and knots will soon come undone

The bloody fields of history have yet another war to come...

As chants turn into anthems, and shouts turn into battle cries

The statues of their heroes gone, crack and yield to newborn human lives

Tired of marching to their tune in time, the gears of oppression have ceased

No light at the end of the production line- show us that this life's worth living

Books are burning in the night, where consciousness is laid to rest

Another dream falls out of sight...and what have we to show for this?