Hate the Living, Love the Dead

Hate the living, love the dead

Smashing embryos, cut off heads

Find the brain for my bride-to-be

We'll bear our children, Adam and Eve

Put me together with the bodies of the dead

And I will wait for life and breathe again

Hate the living, love the dead

Scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin

Wake this eternal sleep she's in

And we'll breed for you, on your command

Hate the living, love the dead

Nerves steady, hands are sure

Bride reborn to view with horror

Blackened eyes, blood-stained hands

Hate the living, love the dead

Put me together with the bodies of the dead

And I will wait for life and breathe again

Hate the living, love the dead

Scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin

Wake this eternal sleep she's in

And we'll breed for you, on your command

Hate the living, love the dead

Put me together with the bodies of the dead

And I will wait for life and breathe again

Hate the living, love the dead

Scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin

Wake this eternal sleep she's in

And we'll breed for you, on your command

Hate the living, love the dead
