
I will arise!

Rise! Rise! Rise!

I will arise!

Show me who you really are.

Show me that you’re not someone

who would cast out their young

and leave them behind

And I’ll try, I’ll try to be reasoning.

I’ll try to forget you abandoned me

On the shallow shores I’m tied to the ocean floor

for the current to take me away.

You want to say you’re wrong and now it’s just too late.

You tried to leave me behind, stranded in the tide.

You want to say you’re wrong and now it’s just too late.

You can’t call me your own I won’t be disowned.

I must arise, pulling myself through the tide.

I will arise!

You thought you left me there to die,

but I made it through the tide.

Rise! Rise! Rise!

Made it through the tide.

Rise! Rise! Rise!

I’m not drowning, you’re just broken.

I can mend you and forgive this moment.

You want to say you’re wrong and now it’s just too late.

You tried to leave me behind, stranded in the tide.

You want to say you’re wrong and now it’s just too late.

You can’t call me your own, you wanted me gone.

I will carry myself alone again,

from where you left me to sink or swim.

There’s no making this right.

What’s done is done.

You want to say you’re wrong.

How could you call me your son?

I saw the waves trying to pull me in.

I broke the tide.

I will arise!

Rise! Rise! Rise!

I will arise!

Rise! Rise! Rise!

I will arise!