Stella Maris


Ave maris stella,

Dei Mater alma

Atque semper virgo

Felix caeli porta

Sumens illud ave

Gabrielis ore

Funda nos in pace

Mutans Evae nomen

Solve vincla reis

Profer lumen caecis

Mala nostra pelle

Bona cuncta posce

Monstra te esse matrem

Sumat per te preces

Qui pro nobis natus

Tulit esse tuus

Virgo singularis

Inter omnes mitis

Nos culpis solutos

Mites fac et castos

Vitam praesta puram

Iter para tutum

Ut videntes Jesum

Semper collaetemur

Sit laus Deo Patri

Summo Christo decus

Spiritui sancto

Tribus honor unus


[English Translation:]

Hail, Star of the sea,

Great Mother of God

and always a Virgin,

joyous gate of Heaven.

By welcoming that "Hail"

from Gabriel's mouth,

grant us peace,

changing Eve's fame.

Undo wicked people's bad deeds,

give light to the blind,

drive away our pains,

give us every good.

Show Thyself to be a Mother,

let this prayer be welcomed through Thee

by He who was born for us

and made Himself Thy Son.

Holiest Virgin unique,

among the humblest,

forgive our trespasses,

and make us humble and chaste.

Give us a pure life,

guard our paths,

let us see Jesus,

always joyful.

All praise be to God the Father,

to the Highest Christ, the Lord,

and to the Holy Ghost,

only honor to the Trinity.
