Stagger Lee
My name is Stagger Lee
And I'm walking through the ice and snow
And my girl threw me out last week and I'm fucking broke
Only got a starter in my pocket and my colt.45
Don't look at me the wrong cause I got nothing to lose tonight
Walk into JD's and put a dollar down
Turn the dollar into a few
I start drinkin' and I turn around
'cause I feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of my neck
And he's whisperin' to the barkeep
The God-damned fool won't stop staring at me
So I shoot up from my seat and press the cold steel to his head
And said "don't you know who the fuck I am?"
He said "Stagger Lee, please don't take my life,
I've got a kid back home, and I've got a wife."
He said "Please Stagger please, I'm a friend not a foe,
And your girl's with Billy at the Flamingo,
I just thought you should know.
I pistol-whip him in the teeth and walk outside
Steal the first fast car I see
And as my blood starts to boil I start to take a little ride
I leave the car running
Pull down the brim of my black Stetson hat
I look around and I see no witness
One last drink from my silver flask
I kick open the door
See the bodies inter-twined
See the fear in their eyes
I pull my Colt .45
And I feel divine
Stagger Lee
You're a bad, bad man
Oh, Stagger Lee
You're going straight to hell
Stagger Lee Stagger Lee
You're a bad, bad man
Oh, Stagger Lee
You're going straight to hell