Lyrics Molotov Solution

Molotov Solution


1040 forms and flat currency share much in common,

like absolute illegitimacy and paper construction.

No income-tax law exists, nor does tangible value in a dollar,

But every day someone goes to prison over one or the other.

A 1913 scheme with aim to reach neofeudalism by stripping Congress of the

Constitutional power they were given would guarantee unpayable debt, generations

born into a prison.

The death of the nation began with the birth of the federal reserve system.

Incremental erosion of sovereignty to ensure a smooth transition into

totalitarian global governance.

Asses and elephants are equally malevolent when bought and paid for by big

business and bankers, and voting becomes seemingly irrelevant when electronic

machines have supplanted paper. Democracy is a myth.

National sovereignty surrendered to multi-national corporations,

Law enforcement of infrastructure undergoing total privatization,

Consolidation of power progressing under globalization,

International banks, corporations and government working together against the

rest of us. The rest of the population.

Because when you print the money,

Power becomes your only aspiration.

I pledge eternal war with those obsessed with control.

Bilderberg to CFR, we will crush you all.