Lyrics Molotov Solution

Molotov Solution

Injustice For All

Justice is forgotten and liberty is dead.

Justice is forgotten and liberty is dead.

There is no justice!

This is our time for revenge, fuck justice we want you dead.

No second chance, you've had your chance at redemption, instead you sold us

out and now your life is threatened.

Please believe everything you hear and see and never, ever question


Please believe everything you hear and see and never, ever question


Together we stand, divided we fall.

A force united we will crush you all.

Monuments of injustice, we will watch you fall, and like the lives you have

broken we will break down this wall.

One ruler, one government, one religion, one choice.

Extermination, reduce the population; there is no doubt you will try to

kill me, but you will never kill what I believe.

You're fucking dead to me.

Together we stand, divided we fall.

A force united we will crush you all.

Monuments of injustice, we will watch you fall, and like the lives you have

broken we will break down this wall.

The scales of justice have tipped in your favor; time and time again your

lies have slipped breeding anger.

With time as our witness, history as our judge, we'll cast you to the

abyss, and we will rise above.

Death, slavery, and the pursuit of hatred.


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Please believe everything you hear and see and never, ever question


Together we stand, divided we fall.

A force united we will crush you all.

Together we stand, divided we fall.

A force united we will crush you all.