Lyrics Molotov Solution

Molotov Solution


As cathode ray tubes induce alpha brainwave hypnotic states in

populations mesmerized by five hours of television every day,

Suggestions flow into the subconscious without

viewer participation,

and fewer and fewer corporations control this

weapon of mass disinformation.

With rapid technological advancement it would only be a matter of

time before there would be a war on for you mind.

Billions of dollars spent in fake news,

Stations no longer required to air opposing views,

While secret programs seek to advance existing mind control technologies,

All the while maintaining the illusion of democracy.

What good is freedom of speech when they control what you think?

From MK-ULTRA to Project Sheriff, LSD to LRAD,

Electroshock brainwashing to riot control energy beams.

It all sounds like a fucking sci-fi movie.

Attacking the very essence of what it means to be human,

Without 'free thought' democracy can be

nothing but an illusion.