Lyrics Molotov Solution

Molotov Solution

The Campaign Against Opposition to U.S. Domination

Surveillance cameras cover every inch of every street corner,

schools and now even locker rooms,

and I'm beginning to wonder what the fuck happened

to the Constitution

Replaced by the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Plan.

But I wont stand idly by while they enforce martial law

and the last of our freedoms are legislated away.

Three thousand lives lost in a psychological attack

to scare us into supporting their war in Iraq

destruction of the fourth amendment and freedom of speech.

All are preparations for global dehumanization... a New World Order.

Are you willing to die,

To sacrifice your life?

To expose the lies,

To expose their lies.

Will you stand and fight,

For our few remaining rights?

We're running out of time.

We're running out of time.

Disgustingly enough, to most more cameras just means to dress better,

But I will never surrender.