Akiko Masuda

Daidai iro no wakusei no ue de

Midori no zubon wo haki

Neko no yo-u ni odoru

Trendy na Harajuku no

Anata wa graphic design no

Ohsama to jou ou sama

In trendy Harajuku

You're no square with your chilli chilli hair

Akiko Masuda, Animal of Airs

Supercar baseball Abraham Lincoln

Newton John stripe individual projection

801 orange planet tape recorder vinyl bear

And the shirts we wear

Transonic Florida cheerleader set

Ballpoint boyfriend sticker club pet

You're no square with your chilli chilli hair

Akiko Masuda, Animal of Airs

Mastercard, Visa Farrah Fawcett Major

Texas Instruments Super Speak and Spell

Beams Works Playset astrolube superturf

T Shirt beach ball Pocket Monster kewpie Doll

Down the stairs Animal Of Airs

Ooh we oh, here we go

You're no square with your chilli chilli hair

Akiko Masuda, Animal of Airs

Denki Groove

Yoshinori Sunahara

Sounds of the 70s

Take Off And Landing

Mars Art Lab, Animal Of Airs

Trendy trendy retro 70s chairs

Studio Voice had no choice

Barfout magazine did a feature on your dreams

Akiko Masuda from the land of Buddha

Used to be a geisha, used to be a spider

Got a cutie face, got a cutie mania, media junky

Born on October 31st 1970

Akiko Masuda, Artcore funky

Ooh we oh, here we go

Ooh we oh here we go

You're no square with your chilli chilli hair

Daidai iro no wakusei no ue de

Midori no zubon wo haki

Neko no yo-u ni odoru

Trendy na Harajuku no

Anata wa graphic design no

Ohsama to jou ou sama

In trendy Harajuku

Akiko Masuda

From the land of Buddha

From the land of judo

From the land of sumo

From the land of Harajuku

Here at the centre of all known trends

The known world ends

You're no square with your chilli chilli hair