Lyrics Monstrosity



Earthly planet revolving moon and sun

Eclipse of light will evoke it's death

The years of display forthcoming decay

The age of fire now crawling quick

Soon to disintegrate with the ashes of our destiny

A swirling mass now ethereal

Shadows of our past have frozen

Time remaining is drifting by

You listen to hear the chimes of revelation

Calling out to greet the spawn of doom

Your journey continues in a downward spiral

Clinging to walls of a boundless room

Grasp for understanding of your pathetic life

Pain encircles your soul like vultures in the sky

You cannot claim reason for your mind is numb

Life will be a fragment... of your memory


Searching for the answers of your destiny

Frantic paces towards the end of history

Solutions to be revealed at the end of life

Yet the questions in your mind make you


Searching for the answers of your destiny

Frantic paces towards the end of history

Solutions to be revealed at the end of... LIFE!

Constantly questing for the blueprints of our design

To your fallacy of long ago I cannot resign

Exploration for the schemes missing puzzle piece

This labyrinth called life makes you manic in the mind

You listen to hear the chimes of revelation

Calling out to greet the spawn of doom

Your journey continues in a downward spiral

Clinging to walls of a boundless room

Grasp for understanding of your pathetic life

Pain encircles your soul like vultures in the sky

You cannot claim reason for your mind is numb

Life will be a fragment... of your memory


Searching for the answers of your destiny

Frantic paces towards the end of history

Solutions to be revealed at the end of life

Yet the questions in your mind make you