On The Other Side
If i open up my mind
and receive the other side
where the day reflects the night
in frenetic timeless time
and knowledge is a well
there in heaven there in hell
where every thought and fantasy
is reality
on the other side in the immutable
on the other side in the impalpable
there i face my soul
angelical – unbound
(a) shadow of the free
forever meant to be
and the presence that i feel
from my kindred soul
strengths my life – my energy
through eternity
on the other side in the immutable
on the other side in the impalpable
there i've found the power
the secret source
the grand materia
the shadowstone – my soul
(there i drink the knowledge)
(there i find the truth)
but it can be hard to stand
the menacing and sad
that is beyond my grasp
like heartbeats in the vast
that entity that's haunting me
searching for my soul
it's everywhere – unreachable
not tangible
on the other side in the immutable
on the other side in the impalpable