How Can Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel?

She told me she loved me

Which means

She must be insane

I've had my face dragged in

Fifteen miles of shit

And I do not, And I do not

And I do not like it

So how can anybody say

They know how I feel

The only one around here who is me

Is me

They said they respect me

Which means

Their judgement is crazy

I've had my face dragged in

Fifteen miles of shit

And I do not And I do not

And I do not like it

So how can anybody say

They know how I feel

When they are they

And only I am I

He said he wants to befriend me

Which means

He can't possibly know me

The voices of the real

And the imagined cry:

"The future is passing you by

The future is passing you by"

So how can anybody possibly think they know how I feel?

Everybody look, see pain and walk away

And as for you in your uniform

Your smelly uniform

You think you can be rude to me

Because you wear a uniform

A smelly uniform

And so you think you can be rude to me

But even I, as sick as I am, I would never be you

Even I, as sick as I am, I would never be you

Even I, sick and depraved, a traveller to the grave

I would never be you

I would never be you