You Know I Couldn't Last

The whispering

May hurt you

But the printed word might kill you

The whispering

May hurt you

But the printed word might kill you

So don't let the blue

The blue eyes fool you

They're just gelignite

Loaded and aiming right between your eyes

CDs and T-shirts, promos and God knows

You know I couldn't last

Someone please take me home

The teenagers

Who love you

They will wake up, yawn and kill you

The teenagers

Who love you

They will wake up, yawn and kill you

So don't let the blue

The blue eyes fool you

They're just gelignite

Loaded and aiming right between your eyes

CDs and T-shirts, promos and God knows

You know I couldn't last

Someone please take me home

There's a cash register ringing and

It weighs so heavy on my back

Someone please take me home

The critics who

Can't break you

They somehow help to make you

The critics who

Can't break you

Unwittingly they make you

So don't let the good days

Of the gold discs

Creep up and mug you

With evil legal eagles

You know I couldn't last

Accountants rampant

You know I couldn't last

Every -ist and every -ism

Thrown my way to stay

And the Northern leeches go on

Removing, removing, removing

Then in the end

Your royalties bring you luxuries

Your royalties bring you luxuries

Oh but

The squalor of the mind

The squalor of the mind

The squalor of the mind

The squalor of the mind