Lyrics Mortification


Illusion Of Life

Can't you see this world's illusions of life

It's not gonna last. You won't survive

We're all destined to the grave

Unless we call upon God to save

us from eternal death.

The illusion of life is that you think you're safe

without the Lord and His saving grace

While you think you've got safety and peace

Your life's suddenly over no more mercy

Hell awaits you, it's too late.

The things of life is all that seems to be real

But can't you see that in eternity it's just a fantasy

Christ is the reality in Him is eternal life

This world isn't gonna last. It's gonna burn you'd better run fast

Eternity is the reality. Look forward to it with Jesus

Faithfuland true he'll never fail you

He loved you so much that He died for you

The illusion of life tells us to live for today

'Till the day that we pass away

No thought to prepare for your Maker

Live for God or die with the faker- This world can't save you.

How can you guarantee yourself eternal life

Today you are here and tomorrow you die,

Do you know where you'll go when you've gone

There's only two ways to go, up or down, you'd better decide.