Lyrics Mostly Autumn

Mostly Autumn

Glass Shadows

Half the night I drove alone

Catching sillhouettes in headlights

Then came

I parked beneath a chalk white horse

Above the treeline, the city glowed

And the candles moved in time

With the moon as she died

And the Earth span round so neat

The blood ran

The faries tell

Just a on the grass

The echo of a shadow forms

The taste of autumn past

We walked the misty lanturn light

The gobbles and cold

I caught a glimpse of yesteryear

From the house, I knew before

The crashing seas of thunder

Catch the moonlight in their rage

The haunted winds that give that scream

Across the alley, town

I swear I saw the black armadas

Tearing in toward the land

A thousand wordless voices echo

Carried on the heavy wind

No, just a little more time

To stay a little longer

I walked the empty

Cracked and overgrown

We used to scout for UFOs

Our backs against the stone

The eerie drone of foreign bombers

Black against the mantle clouds

The and shards of gold

Bust across the bluebell wood

I never saw a brighter star

Reflected in the spectre's face

We ran so fast we didn't breathe

And never dared go back again

No, just a little more time

To say goodbye

We're so tired when we're beautiful

Reaching out to the unknown

Until our shadows freeze so cold

They crack

And all the dreams we didn't breathe

Our spirit's screaming out to me

The way you held my hand for days

We moved so close, begins to fade

Lost in time

The glass was always full you know

The first kiss lingers with me still

To never see her face again

To never walk with her again

We hardly shared the life we were

The second hand that cuts the faith

There's no one left to answer 'hi'

We seek, we wait, we love, we die