
Here we are in confusion

Could be it's all an illusion

Who knows the times to come

The years to face, the race to run

We believe in the graven image

We believe in the fight to the finish

We desire the almighty dollar

The pound of flesh, the golden collar

Lick the hand, we give our land to the dogs

Here we are in the years

The blood, the sweat, the tears

Have made us bondage slaves

In a world that we never made,

THe politicians lick our bones,

The tacticians, hearts of stone

They turn us against our brothers

Make us fight and kill each other

Locked in lust we put our trust in dogs

Here we are again,

The dead still look the same

Who cares they're soon forgotten

Nobody loves a corpse that's rotten

Your fathers, mothers, daughters, sons

Have been taken by the chosen ones

But don't you forget you made the choice,

You made your mark, you raised your voice,

They're all the same, you're all to blame

You're dogs!