Lyrics Mount Eerie

Mount Eerie


I can't say it so I'll let the wind

Come wind, destroyer of worlds

Speak to me, show me shapes in swirling dust

Come wind, sayer of names

Speak to me, make me listen into the night

Come wind, the fog from my eyes

Come revealer, the town lights from the night skies

Come destroyer, pound on my window

Scream through my house, tear the old land from itself

Come wind, in the mouth of the sky

Speak for me, show the hills' insides

Show me the river roaring through the house

There was a break in the clouds

and the house was bright for a little while

I was in your favor, but then it closed

Now the wind speaks in the branches

Now the wind speaks, saying:

"Hold on to something, and watch it go.

Everything you love will end up on the breeze.

The roots that held the tree down left a deep hole,

full of water, reflecting sky."