Lyrics Mourning Beloveth

Mourning Beloveth

Dead Channel

The slow dark sludge melted down and solidified

full of poison insanity and nightmares

inside nothing outside emptiness

it mothers demons that move

the grace of addiction

with a head full of noise and pills waves of raw transference

tuned to a dead channel in search of a new womb

it is mere content deprived of form everything is waste

nobody seems to notice the absence of a living substance

there was something else in the silence that I heard

like something hauled from dreams and abandoned

the mind drinks less and less

people going nowhere somewhere following the moon tide like so many leaden idols

leave them for the flies and the carcass of a dead world

the universal rubble nothing left to rot

abandoned and formless

there are no mountains to make them cower

all we seem to live for is pleasure end it burn it the fire is clean

putting out the stars and extinguish the sun you seem to come away lost

end it burn it nothing is clean

no one seems to listen anymore a head full of noise and pills

burn it end it it feeds on silence

but there is something in the silence I heard it screams at me

end it burn it if you let it burn it will burn our lifetimes out

we have some leaks in the system where reality filters through

a non linear flood of facts with each pulse of nothingness

they show us trailers to make us hold onto nothingness

splinters of a substance that pulsates like a former heart

an anchor drawing us to oblivion and the bones

the bare bones of existence an anchor to oblivion