
Leaders are guilty of nothing

They're perfectly insane

But if they'd point the finger at themselves

Who would be left to blame

Lead into grace

Lead to corruption


A truth or lie has to be spoken


King or con has to be chosen


Way of life complete or broken...broken


No more...choices

No more...choices

No more...choices

Leaders are guilty of nothing

They're perfectly insane

But if they'd point the finger at themselves

Who would be left to blame

Follow truth or stutter through a lie


Will to push or give up and fall behind


Live with peace or nurture your tragic life


Bite the bullet or swallow it whole

Leaders are guilty of nothing

They're perfectly insane

But if they'd point the finger at themselves

Who would be left to blame

Point the finger at yourself

There's no choice

Anymore anyway...

We don't have a choice

Anymore anyway

We don't have a voice

Anymore Anyway

There's no choice in freedom

There's no voice in freedom

We don't have a choice

Anymore anyway

We don't have a voice

Anymore anyway

There's no choice in freedom

There's no voice in freedom

Leaders are guilty of nothing

They're perfectly insane

But if they'd point the finger at themselves

Who would be left to blame

They're lost system of destruction

Flush all hope down the drain

But if they'd point the finger at themselves

Who is left to blame

Who is left to blame

We don't have a choice

Anymore anyway

We don't have a voice

Anymore anyway

There's no choice in freedom

There's no voice in freedom

We don't have a choice

Anymore anyway

We don't have a voice

Anymore anyway

There's no choice in freedom

There's no voice in freedom

We don't have a choice

Anymore anyway

We don't have a voice

Anymore anyway

We don't have a reason

Anymore anyway

We don't have control

Anymore anyway

We don't have opinions

Anymore anyway

There's no choice in freedom

There's no voice in freedom

Freedom, buy in

Freedom, sell out

Freedom, betray

Freedom, lay down

Freedom, corrupt

Freedom, opinion

Freedom, give up

Freedom, give in