
I have scars on my body

From using myself... abusing myself...

In sickness and in health

I have bruises on my body which go away withtime

But remain in my mind forever as a constant reminder

Of the last man I loved... loathed... left...

I have the word truth on my arm

Because there is no room for honesty when you're a liar

I have a tattoo on the back of my neck

Which I cannot see but I can feel... that I canfeel

That I can...

I have a tatoo on my stomach which is Italian -

means the sweet life

I have the word love in flames surrounded by stars

On my right wrist because these five fingers

go straight to the soul of man

I have the word hate on my left wrist

because the left hand is the hand of hate

And it's with this hand that Cain knifed his brother

I'm right handed maybe that's my problem...

and my ruin.