Last Breath of Yggdrasil

Love lies cold and murdered

Followed by winters thrice

The sun and moon devoured

As the firmament collapse and dies

And the mountains are crumbling

With slow resolve they're coming down

The world tree heaves and sighs

As it draws its last breath

And the grey one lies fallen

A broken body marked by wolven claws

Once proud and strong

Now lost in the arms of death


Cradle and shelter of life

Your fate shall be denied

Roots engulfed in Surtr's flames

To all of mankind's demise

And the oceans are churning

Untamed and ravenous grave so wild

The serpent writhes

As the crushing waves collide

And Tiwaz, one-handed

Went forth to face the feral Garm

Almighty warrior god

Now reduced to food for dogs

Ashes fall in a world rendered still

The last breath of Yggdrasil

And the eagle is screaming

For he knows that the end is nigh

The world tree heaves and sighs

As it draws its last breath

And the wielder of the hammer

Bane of the Jormungandr

Nine steps of triumph and victory

Then succumbed to misery

And the flaming sword of Surtr

Now cleanses all with fire

The world tree heaves no more

As the world now has expired