Black Lives Matter

Everyone needs to learn to love each other black lives matter stop with the

Racism think of it as a hurtful word stop the killing Black Lives Matter

Don't let them be ashamed Hear Me now care for them treat them well let

Them see everything now is possible Hear me now Hear me now Let them hear

Your spirit we don't Need Riots we just want love and Support. Hear my

Voice Love people And treat them well. Let them be free. Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Let them see you And share your thoughts with them.

You don't fight racism with racism, the best way to fight racism is with


Love is the most beautiful thing to have, hardest thing to earn and most

Painful thing to lose

If you're white and you're wrong, then you're wrong; if you're black and

You're wrong, you're wrong. People are people. Black, blue, pink, green -

God make no rules about color; only society make rules where my people

Suffer, and that why we must have redemption and redemption now.