Lyrics Nerina Pallot

Nerina Pallot

Girl On A Wire

Girl on a wire, it's a balancing act

My heart in my mouth again

Nervously fumbling, secretly stumbling

Looking for the right chord

Eye on the prize, but blinded by fear

The muscles and blood arrive

Hissing of wings, hysterical flame

Beckoning her on toward

Because the win is everything and nothing now

And all is life late like memories

I'm losing my nerve again

Am I losing my nerve again?

Lost in the glare of the cruel white light

The circus of one below

So brittle and bold, ready to score

Something beyond the end

I want to know where the black-eyed goes

Lost in himself alone

Simple in words, eye on the prize

Silently believing

But the win is everything and nothing now

And all my life late like memories

The win is everything, it's everything

I'm finding my nerve again

I'm finding my nerve again

Girl on a wire

Girl on a wire