14 Days

One single grain of sand

Just broke the camel's back

One final fleck of down

Was enough to make it crack

It didn't hardly weigh a thing

But it might have been a ton

For the animal's all in

Too much damage has been done

So I'm giving you my notice

And it works this way

In two weeks time you will notice I've been gone

For fourteen days

You don't know what it's like

To be left out in the cold

To feel all alone

Even when there's a party going on

Well it's been like this for me

For too, too long

So I won't even get my things

Lord it's down the road I'm going

So I'm giving you my notice

And it works this way

In two weeks time you will notice I've been gone

For fourteen days

So I'm giving you my notice

And it works this way

In two weeks time you will notice I've been gone

For fourteen days