(I Want to Build a) Jumbo Ark

I want to build a jumbo ark

A stretch 747

And with the grace of God

I will win my place in heaven

Mr. Boeing can you hear me now?

Way up there in Seattle

You better sit your big self down

‘Cause I’m about to make your phone line rattle

Get busy with your peppy team

And your compass and protractor

‘Cause I’m sent here to contract ya

To construct this winged thing

I want to build a jumbo ark

A stretch 747

And with the grace of God

I will win my place in heaven

We’re talking ‘bout an aquaplane

With its floats made out of liners

And a hold like Carolina

For the load it must contain

Don’t tell me that it can’t be done

‘Cause we’re living in the eighties

Boy we will not me mateys

Unless we do this winged thing

I want to build a jumbo ark

A stretch 747

And with the grace of God

I will win my place in heaven

Information I have received

From let’s say higher sources

That leads me to believe

That heavy weather is around the bend

The clouds are gonna bump and grind

And down will rain destruction

But with the aid of our construction

We’ll survive and thrive again

I want to build a jumbo ark

A stretch 747

And with the grace of God

I will win my place in heaven

I want to take the ape and the kangaroo

From out the wild and out of the zoo

I’m gonna have to take extra cattle and swine

‘Cause the beasts on each other do love to dine

Every fish, fowl, thing that howl

Will all be kicking up a hell of a row

When I build a jumbo ark

A stretch 747

And with the grace of God

I will win my place

I want to build a jumbo ark

A stretch 747

And with the grace of God

I will win my place in heaven

And with the grace of God

I will win my place in heaven

And with the grace of God

I will win my place in heaven