Rome Wasn't Built In a Day

You don’t know it but I’ve made my mind up

You'll wind up in my arms

First I have to break down your resistance to my charms

Yes, darling, I know it won’t be easy

But I won’t rest until I find a way

Everybody knows that Rome wasn’t built in a day

How I’ll make it happen I’m not certain

I’m workin’ on a plan and when I get it tight

You’ll believe I’m your man

You don’t know it yet but you’ll surrender

When I’ll make my play

But everybody knows that Rome wasn’t built in a day

I’ll offer you protection

Twenty-four hour love and affection

But it’ll take time to make it right

Just look at what the pharaoh did

When he build his pyramid

Everybody knows that didn’t spring up over night

There’ll be a celebration and a silver band will play

But everybody knows that Rome wasn’t built in a day

Rome wasn’t built in a day