Switch Board Susan

Switch board Susan, won't you give me a line?

I need a doctor, give me nine ninety nine

First time I picked up the telephone

I fell in love with your ringing tone

I'm a long distance romancer

I'll keep on trying till I get an answer

Gimme, gimme one more chance

She's a greater little operator

Switch board Susan let me off the hook

I've been this way since you gave me a look

Switch board Susan, you're all the rage

Come on, Susan, let's get engaged

When I'm with you, girl, I get an extension

And I don't mean Alexander Graham Bells' invention!

Switch board Susan, can we be friends

After six, at weekends?

Hey, babe, you know where's it great?


Oh, you bring a smile to my dial

Oh, you're great, operator's great!