Lyrics Nicolette Larson

Nicolette Larson

Mexican Divorce

Down below El Paso lies Juarez

Mexico is different

Like the travel folder says

Cross the Rio Grande and you will find

An old adobe house

Where you leave your past behind

One day married, next day free

Broken hearts for you and me

Takes no time at all to get

A Mexican divorce

As I came into this empty house last night

Looked at all the windows

But I couldn't find one light

I found you on this road to Mexico

And now, my love, I'm pleading

Please, oh please, don't go

One day married, next day free

Broken hearts for you and me

Takes no time at all to get

A Mexican divorce

Finding love takes so long

Walking out must be wrong

It's a sin for you to get

A Mexican divorce

One day married, next day free

Broken hearts for you and me

Takes no time at all to get

A Mexican Divorce