Lyrics Nils Lofgren

Nils Lofgren

Dream Big

~~~♫♫♫ ~~~

You gotta dance a lot

You gotta sing a lot

Open your heart a lot

And you can be a lot

You gotta share your stuff

Give when the times get tough

Your best can be enough

Dream big, work hard, stay humble

Give big, stay strong, be humble

Humble, humble

You gotta speak your heart

Love like a work of art

Children sing and dance

Make sure they get the chance

Dream big, work hard, stay humble

Give big, stay strong, be humble


~~~♫♫♫ ~~~

We need a world at peace

War on disease and hate

All this despair and greed

Don't let it be your fate

Dream big, give hard, stay humble

And you can dance a lot

You better dance a lot

Dream big and dance a lot

We need to dance a lot

Dance in your heart, dance in your head

Dance into Heaven, dance into dead

You better dance a lot

Give big and dance a lot

We need to dance a lot

Dream big and dance a lot

We gotta dance a lot

Give hard and dance a lot

Dream big and dance a lot