Lyrics Nina Simone

Nina Simone

My Sweet Lord / Today Is A Killer




Oh my lord,

I reallywant to see u,

I've got to see u,

I really want to see u,

But it takes so long my lord,

Oh my lord,

My sweet lord,

Oh my lord,

I really want to see u.

Really want to be with you

Really want to see u, (lord)

But it takes too long my lord,

I've been waiting all my

life for u,

So you've got to bring me


I really want to see u,

I've got to be with you,

I've got to be with you,

I really want to see u,

But it takes so long my lord,

Oh my lord,

My sweet lord,

My sweet lord,

My sweet lord,

My sweet lord,

I really want to see u,

I really want to see u,

I want to see u,

I really want to see u,

But it takes so long my lord,

Oh my lord

I really want to see u,

I really want to see u,

Oh yeah oh yeah,

I really want to see u,

I really want to see u,

I really want to see u,

But it takes too long my lord,

My sweet lord,

Sunday night

Is an appropriate time to see u,

Don't you know i need u,

Don't you know i want you

"you gotta" (enters lisa stroud)

I want to see u - yes i do,

I want to see u - yes i do,

I want to see u - yes i do,

I've got to see u - yes i do,

Ya got to see u - yes i do,

Ya got to see u - yes i do,

Oh yes,

Yeah lord,

The whole world's looking for u,

Doing all kinds of things

looking for u,

Won't u show yourself lord,

Won't u show yourself lord,

Won't u show yourself lord,

Won't u show yourself lord,

Don't u know what they're

trying to do,

Don't u know they mean to see u,

I really want to see u,

I really want to be with you,

I really want to see u,

But it takes too long my lord,

My lord,

My sweet lord

Oh my lord

My sweet lord

I really want to see u,

Yes my lord,

You know i got to see u,

I really want to see u,

But it takes too long,

oh my lord, .. ..

(enters samuel luther waymon,

duetting with nina simone)

My sweet lord,

My lord,

Oh my lord,

My dear lord,

My lord,

"you gotta"

I really want to see you,

But it takes so long my lord

Oh my lord

My sweet lord

Oh my lord

Oh my lord

I really want to see u,

God knows i need to see you,

But it takes so long my lord,

Oh my lord,

My sweet lord,

Oh my lord,

Oh my lord,

I really want to see u,

But it takes so long my lord,

I really need to see u,

But everything today is a killer,

Today is a killer,,

How am i going to see u lord ?

How am i going to be with u lord ?

How am i going to see u lord ?

Nobody has taught us any


Any patience, lord,

And about now it's too late,

It's too late,

I hope it's not too late, my lord,

I really want to see u,

I really want to see u,

But it takes so long my lord,

My sweet lord,

My good lord,

All the time i meditate on u,

So you've got to bring me


You've got to bring me through


I really want to see u,

U know i believe in you,

So you've got to bring me

Got to bring me through now,

I really want to see u,

I really want to see u,

I really want to see u,

But it takes so long my lord,

Oh my lord,

Oh my lord,

Yeah my lord,

Nothing else is happening,

Nothing else is happening lord,

Change my days,

Change my nights,

Change my ways,

Let me get on that level,

That level of consciousness,

So i can feel u,

All around me,

All day,

All night,

All day,

All night,

I really want to see u,

But it takes so long my lord,

Oh my lord,

(pianissimo to fortissimo in

spirituality for approximately

three minutes)

P r a y e r t i m e

I often sit and stare at the sea,

And dream dreams,

And hope hopes,

And wish wishes,

And lately as i listen to

the windsong,

As it dances a beautiful

dance for me,

But these moments never seem to

last too long,

Because after the hopes, the

dreams and the wishes,

After you and me,

After a stolen moment of


After a glimpse of the time less

natural universe,

Moving in effortless, effortless,

starling beauty,

Moving in effortless, effortless,

starling rythm,

Comes the reality of today,

Grinning his all-knowing

fiendish grin,

Knowing everything i say.

Know everything i feel,

Know everything i think,

Every gesture i make,

Today, today,

Pressing his ugly face

against mine,

Staring at me lifeless eyes,

Crumbling away all memories of

yesterday's dreams,

Crumbling away,

Crumbling hopes and destroying


Destroying dreams,

Can't get close to nobody

no more,

No matter how much you try,

You can't get close to nobody

no more,

Because today is a killer,

And only you can save us lord,

Only you can save us lord,

I never dreamed,

I certainly never hoped,

That one day i'd be screaming,

For something my mother told me

i needed

In my beginning,

In my beginning,

In my beginning,

In my beginning,


Yes lord,


My lord,

My lord,

My lord,

My sweet lord,

I really want to see u,

I really want to see u,

I really want to see u,

But it takes so long my lord,

Oh my lord,

Oh my lord,

My sweet lord,

I really want to see u,

I've got to see you,

I really want to see u,

But it takes so long my lord,

Oh my lord,

Oh my lord,

My sweet lord,

Oh my lord,




Only u,

It takes so long my lord,

Hope it doesn't take too long

this time,

Because i need to be with you,

I need to be with yoooooooou,






Who are you lord ?

You are a k i l l e r !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!