Lyrics Nokturnal Mortum

Nokturnal Mortum

The New Era of Swords

The song that sings as the wind as storm

It hurts the soul, it takes my heart away

Was our lands given up surrendered to the foe

Was our kin exterminated extirpated

Our noble ancestors lived by the laws of the gods

Is the true faith of fathers now forgotten

But I do believe the new era of swords shall arise

While we suffer our enemies would laugh

By blood, by honour, by revenge, by force

I swear we shall put an end to it

The clang of breaking chains is the new era of swords

Z.O.G. rules among the nations

The world is full of falsity and lies, they buy all the world

That do belong to higher race, they march across the lands

That do belong to us, they preach eternal peace

But they prepare for war, for war without honour

For war without rules

Where honest swords do not sing their song

But stabs in back are welcomed more

Our race has risen up towards the sky

Has reached the very depth of seas

But no one cares about it anymore

For the degenerates took laurels and rule

Gods fathers wake up from your sleep

Now we shall sharpen our old and rusted swords

No matter if we'll die in the flames of fight

We shall not surrenders our fatherlands

But I do believe new era of the swords shall rise

The deeds of fathers still live in our veins

By blood, by honour

By revenge, by force

I swear our kin shall not die

The clang of breaking chains is the new era of swords