Bottled up Killer Bees

There's no way that I could ever follow

Such a stale model of a man

Go ahead and bottle me up

Falling in and out of pity

Cause really nobody asked you

To question intensions and such

Rolling a tidal wave of expression

And testing the forces of nature

Against a heart so complacent as yours

I think about this deeper and harder then you will ever think

So don't you ever think this is yours

Stop pulling me down you're only turning me up

Turning me up

You can't bottle me up

No, no you can't bottle me up

Cause when you come from the bottom you can only go up

I swear to you all I'm better then the rest

With my left hand in the air and my right hand on my chest

God has seen what I can do in the past

I've been handing people their asses and teaching classes

Living a tidal wave of emotion

And swimming in oceans of sorrow

Until tomorrow is hopeless and poor

I live with this much deeper

And harder then you will ever live

So don't you even think this is yours

Stop pulling me down you're only turning me up

Turning me up

You can't bottle me up

No, no you can't bottle me up

Cause when you come from the bottom you can only go up