
Set fire to an icon

Set fire to the lie

Set fire, bid farewell

I'll be a martyr to myself

Where do I go

If every turn there's a vulture waiting

To pick at my bones

And bury me alive?

My lungs are whitewashed

A million thoughts on the tip of my tongue

I can't keep hiding

My guts in tight knots

Abandon who I've become

Or fight for what's inside me?

Set fire to an icon

Set fire to the lie

Set fire, bid farewell

I'll be a martyr to myself

Where do I go

If every turn there's a vulture waiting

To pick at my bones

And bury me alive?

It's me against the world

It's me against the world

It's me against the world

I feel their claws sinking in

As the life spirals out from my inner self

Let the earth where I carved my name burn


Set fire to an icon

Set fire to the lie

Set fire, bid farewell

I'll be a martyr to myself

Where do I go

If every turn there's a vulture waiting

To pick at my bones

And bury me alive?

It's me against the world

It's me against the world