Centric Flow

The primal energy infuses everything and nature awakens

Flowers bloom, waterfalls tumble into immense canyons,

And the animals evolve as consciousness races back to its source

Shiva reveals his secret to Matseyendra

The secret of the ages, the secret of life

And then turns into a statue of Kayavarohan,

Awaiting discovery someday by one who seeks awakening

Awakening happens only in the next world,

The next, and the following

But the promise of awakening is here and now

And without the promise, there is only cold and darkness

But Shiva remains hiding just out of sight

He reveals himself last, if ever

For to discover

Shiva is to understand the mystery that has no answer

And the dance goes on even though worlds collide,

The sun burns out and the universe freezes

It just awaits the next step