Lyrics Octavia Sperati

Octavia Sperati

Going North

He's heading north

With silent shout

And quiet reverence

The wish to be granted

He's come to catch

His midnight sun

A star to wish upon

Bleached in northern lights

It's cold, he's told it's beauty was irresistible

He's brave; he's safe in this land of his dreams

The moon will rise to see him off

One day there will be time to put his mind to rest

He will find his cave

A shelter to keep them out

It's dark, the mark appears in the distance of his tired eyes

The golden light hits his unconscious mind

It proves the goal is here for him

He has come too close

The end so fair and sparkling

Wind will blow his mind back to where it belongs

Time will change; and time will broaden his mind

Monuments of ancient beliefs are written in stone

Not fading to keep the word of faith