Thin Green Line

So here we are - a thin green line

Into the nineties, runnig out of time

Extinction of our planet has already begun but don't let them tell you nothing can be done

Some of us are angry & fighting back

Non-violent direct action is a means of attack

No, we're not giving up without a fight

No nuclar plant here - we're going to trash the site

Gotta be honest, gotta be blunt

If we really want to stop them we've got sab the hunt

Smash that bulldozer, watch the flames go higher

Pull the plug & cut the wire

We get beaten up & send to jail

But I don't care if that's what it takes to save the wales

Save our Earth, save the wilderness land

Are you for us or againts us? Time to make your stand

See that whaling vessel sinking into brine

Taken out by a limpet mine

See those trees standing so tall They've been spiked so they won't fall

See that excavator going up in smoke

Sugar in the petrol tank - that's no joke

Ecosabotage in the dead of night

Like mushrooms break through concrete in the moonlight