
The desert children wanted bread

The good lord sent them manna

I asked just for one good girl

The devil sent me Julianna

She don't come around no more

It's time to face the facts

Take your pallet from her floor

And that dagger from your back



Nobody sees you when you're low

Nobody waits when you get slow

Nobody wants to wheel lets off the rails

Nobody lets you lay down

When you've run clean out of trail

How can it be that I'm the only one?

Yesterday rye bread and soup

Today was soup and rye

I asked my friend if soup just said

N-O-B-O-D and Y



Nobody buys that you've been slow

Nobody picks up when you phone

Nobody lets you forget when you fail

Nobody lets you lay down

When you've run clean out of trail

How can it be that I'm the only one?

Holin' up with my old friend

Mirror on the shelf

He said poor boy, you're looking bad

And I don't feel so good myself



