Cry For The Morning

Steam is rising off the ground

And the hot air is only cooled

By the sound of rain drops falling

And the night is so near

She takes me in her arms

And then far away the fire streaks

Through the sky and

I second-guess what I hear

I'm sure there's something there

But not yet

Here l sit in this place

So cramped and tired

And I pray for distant morning

The embrace of painless morphine

Her breath on my body

I need her where I'm going

And crash in the nights

I stand and curse the era

When we make our own terror

Is sanity getting rarer

And then

There's no warning

From the embrace

To the final attack

There's no warning

Feel the crack

Feel the crack of the

Whip of my back

No more pain

No more fear

Reality is here

Cry for the morning

Cry for the morning