Act VI The Sixth Seal

Fall low into silence and fill

up your mental calix with black

substance of nothing

Burn 3 blood candles and breath

the dense fumes of Gorgio

Enter the sacred circle and hail

the altar of the dying sun

8 silver tinklings to hear the

secret name

Rise from silence, open your

eyes and vibrate

Gorgot, Assai belem

I invoke you timelessness

Who visits earth and skies

You, who lives night and day

Who knows darkness and light

Asar Lin-Nefer

No one ever saw you, in any time

You are jabas, you are japos

You are the right, and the


You are the female and the male

You are seeds and fruits

I am the ancient to whom you

entrusted the mysteries

Listen to me cause I'm the angel

of Shaytan and this is your real


East air

Listen to me and subdue all

demons to me

So that all spirits of external

spaces and seperate dimensions

All spells and gods scourges

obey me, on and under earth

In the great water, in the

whirlwind, in the burning fire!

South fire

I invoke you, terrible and

ivisible god who resides in the

empty of the spirit

West Water

Listen to me.



Assal-Ou Ai Aphaniao I thothe

Abrasar Acooi Ischure

Powerful and timeless

North earth

I invoke you, Ma Barraio Ioel

Kotha Athor-E-Bal-O Abraoth

East spirit

Listen to me

He's the gods' master

He's the god of universe

Winds fear him

It's him who uttered the word

He's the master of everything,

king, ruler, succourer!

North spirit

Listen to me

I'm the timeless spirit, strong

immortal fire

I am the truth, I am him who

shines and thunders!

I am him whose mouth blazes


I am him who begets and shows

the light

Heart and serpent are my names

Iao Sabao, those are the words

Now burn up 3 blood candles and

wait for the empty time

Gorgot Necrod Belem

I dismiss you, threshold

guardian, unfathomable Gorgoi!

And go back to your dimensions

secording to your law

I will not suffer any pain!