Sound of a Rebel
I wanna to live, I wanna to give
I been a minor for a heart of gold
It's these expressions I never ever give
I've been around the world searching for that peace
? But all I had to do was look at the mirror
Tonight my armor / army ? became my prayers and each word
Contained the universe changing my baby's diaper
For a heart of gold I would cross the ocean low
On and on I go without a simple glass of water no
The wrinkles on my face carrying my every case
On my shoulder blades now lets go
Sound Of A Rebel! - All I hear is the...
Sound Of A Rebel! - Never miss a beat with the...
Sound Of A Rebel! - He, he, ha, ha...
Sound Of A Rebel! - Move alone...
Sound Of A Rebel! - I want to live... (4x)
I wanna know, I wanna show
Wanna go places I've never gone before
Not talking physically but mentally
Hypothetically speaking I'm just
Hungry and seeking how to reach for preachers
I got soul but no control out on parole
Someone bail me out, wasn't ready not steady
Ain't nothing pretty in my part of the city
Got plenty of reasons to turn greedy
Ain't easy to keep your cool on a floor, so greezy
In my neck of the woods it gets pitch black
So never go again, back off track
Sound Of A Rebel! - All I hear is the...
Sound Of A Rebel! - Never miss a beat with the...
Sound Of A Rebel! - He, he, ha, ha...
Sound Of A Rebel! - Move alone...
Sound Of A Rebel! - I want to live... (4x)
City in a cell with an open door accept it looking at the freedom go
It's my heart that keeps me stuck in here fear of everything from change too old
Lo que fue ya no es y no será no
Ya cada paso que yo tomo voy buscando
Esa sombra en el espejo que he perdido
Esa voz en el espejo que me dijo
Te sientes muerto, hoy te revivo
Hoy te levanto, hoy te defino
Y con solo mi apellido cruzo el mundo
Hoy no sé lo que pretendo
Ni por dónde ni por qué yo voy
Con el corazón de oro, de plata
Con este pequeño corazón de lata.
Sound Of A Rebel! - All I hear is the...
Sound Of A Rebel! - Never miss a beat with the...
Sound Of A Rebel! - He, he, ha, ha...
Sound Of A Rebel! - Move alone...
Sound Of A Rebel! - I want to live... (4x)